Help in difficult times

CALMA is the first interactive app in Spanish and in English for crisis management and vulnerability reduction through DBT strategies. It was designed by a group of researchers and it is backed up by scientific evidence.

Read our scientific articles >

About Calma

How does it work?

Calma consists of two modes, providing the user with effective tools both during and out of crises. Strategies are based on dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), whose efficacy in crisis reduction has been proved.

Out of crisis mode

Out of crisis, Calma's main objective is reducing vulnerability to lower the propensity to generate new emotional crises.

We achieve this through the use of strategies such as the storage of photos, audios, videos and phrases, which help to generate well-being and work as an anchor to life. In other words, these are things that make us feel good when we see them.

Another strategy used by Calma is the possibility to allow yourself to plan pleasant activities for the week, helping you remember all the positive things to come.

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I need help mode

In every screen, Calma has a button at the bottom of the screen that reads "I need help." This button gives you access to skills to manage the moment of the crisis.

By activating the button, the user accesses a series of interventions based on the DBT model whose efficacy in reducing suicide crises has been proved in treatment with therapists. The skills are shown as cards and are adjusted to the evolution of the crisis, helping you overcome it in the best way.

Calma is also with you during problem solving, providing you with a framework to help you solve the problem that may trigger a crisis.

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How it works

Some things you can do with Calma

These are some of the features of the app and they can help you feel better.

My moments

Add photos that make you feel good, and use them to remember what's important for you.

Emergency numbers

In the most difficult situations you have available the numbers of those people who can help you.

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Problem Solving

Many problems can be solved! We help you generate a strategies to solve them.

Crisis management

In a crisis situation, we show you cards with DBT-based Skils to get through it in the best way.


What do they say about Calma?

All these media talked about us. Are you interested in interviewing us? Contact us.


Who contributes to Calma?

These people helped Calma become what it is today. Contact us.

Learn more

Calma is more than an app

A single page is not enough to summarize everything about Calma and the theory behind the app. That's why we invite you to continue learning more about the app and about yourself in the following sections.

Frequent Questions

Do you have any doubts about the application? Do you understand why it could help you?

In this section we answer some of the most important questions, and we help you understand how Calma can make you feel better.

Learn with Calma

What is a crisis? Why do we feel the way we feel?

In this section we share our knowledge about emotions, how they affect us, and how we can learn to control them so that they do not control us.

Download Calma now

Available for your device

At the moment Calma is available only for specific countries, while it is in the development stage ."

Speak with us

Contact us

Are you interested in learning more about us? Did you find a problem with the app? Write us a message at [email protected] or contact us through this form.